Advances next and previous pages for certain websites using forward/rewind/play media keys.
Loop segments, mirror videos, hide comments, and toggle recommended videos on YouTube.
Speed control for any html5 video player: speed up, slow down, rewind ...
Speed up, slow down, advance and rewind HTML5 audio/video even when the actual player is limiting the functionality.
Rewind in Google Music from your address bar.
Change Amazon.com font back to default.
Fast forward and rewind YouTube ads using your arrow keys!
Bloque les Rewinds sur spi0n
For searching Hangout history. Click gRewind once to scroll up. Click again to stop scrolling. Then use Command/Control+F to search.
Repositions the titles to the top of the records on Hitrecord.org, allows you to change the font on text records
Replaces links with the youtube rewind video.
This extension rewinds 10 seconds and turns on subtitles.
Control the speed of any html5 video player: speed up, slow down, rewind ...
Speed control for any html5 video player: speed up, slow down, rewind ...
Speed control for any html5 video player: speed up, slow down, rewind ...
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