Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.
Install themes for Vkontakte in one click, or adjust colors, backgrounds, fonts and more as you prefer in the settings menu.
Curated dark theme styles for the web
Outline nofollow links, detect nofollow and noindex meta tags on webpages. Features website filtering and custom CSS outline styles.
Установи уникальную тему для VK с сайта get-styles.ru. Сделай свою страничку яркой!
A browser extension that lets you display the basic typographic styles of a text by right-clicking it.
Automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA 8, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button.
Choose a font from the Google Font directory with a few text styling options and preview the font styles on the current tab.
Bring all emojis to use on sites by the easiest ways with various styles of multiple platforms
Quickly toggle a Bootstrap Grid Overlay that automatically uses your application's styles to determine how it looks.
See title tags & meta description, scripts, stylesheets, images & fonts
Add Custom JavaScript (JS) Code or Styles (CSS) to any page.
Download as a single html file for the current page with images and styles.
Count of the number of Style Sheet tags on the current page
Create custom user styles for your favorite websites.
Custom Features and Styles For Roblox.


Add custom CSS styles, JavaScript & jQuery to any websites
Firecamp offers dedicated GUI runtime, tools & services for various protocols & styles like HTTP/Rest, GraphQL, WebSocket, MQTT etc
Removes unused selectors from all stylesheets on a page and combines the result into a single stylesheet that can be downloaded
Monitors source files on a page. Reloads the page or just the changed stylesheet when source files are updated.
Save CSS changes made in developer tools, directly to the Wordpress stylesheet.
Change your cursor with a nice and great styles of cursors
add different colors to the text and background of a webpage!
Generate citations in APA, MLA, Harvard, and hundreds of other citation styles directly on any website!
Given DOM element returns styles applied to it and all its children.
Add HTML elements and styles to your script notes. View Pretty Print JSON objects. Links to records.
Extract the CSS/HTML for any element on any page, only take the styles you want
Add custom CSS styles, JavaScript & jQuery to any websites
Over 40 channels dedicated to the music styles you love: Workout, Love, 80’s, Retro, Latin, Chillout and many more!
Detects font properties and styles
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