This adblocker blocks ads on youtube, forbes, businessinsider and many other websites while remaining undetected.
For server side logging and debugging in chrome console.
For those who enjoy the dark side of life, beautiful quotes and black and white imagery with each new tab. Reset your expectations.
Quickly insert links to any of your DocSend documents or Spaces right inside Gmail.
Used alongside the JSTorrent BitTorrent Chrome app, adds extra functionality
Copies the text inside links
Provides a Swiss-knife style commands tool inside your browser’s address bar to enhance your search experience.
Bring the feeling of sitting home while it's slightly raining outside to your work - cozy and calm rainy wallpapers for your browser
In Crossy Road you have to dodge traffic, hop across logs, sidestep trains and collect coins
Product Hunt brings you the best new products, every day. Discover the latest in technology from your new tab and work alongside…
Add 40+ custom mods and skins to slither.io to extend your slither.io gameplay experience! Mods made by Turtle Clan.
Extends the Developer Tools and context menu, adding a sidebar that displays the css path of DOM element.
Dev Tools sidebar that aids finding unique CSS selectors for Selenium WebDriver tests.
Enabling you to search inside of Youtube Videos
Render AsciiDoc (.ad, .adoc, .asc, .asciidoc) as HTML inside your browser!
A dockable sidebar for Chrome featuring vertical Tree Style Tabs, Tab Hibernation, and much more.
Automatic card frontside formatting and coloring based on title and labels
Convert any audio file to selected formats (i.e. mp3) inside your browser!
Hide Discord Servers and Channels! Installs a button that hides/shows the Discord server list and autohides the channels list.
This extension injects various font styling features alongside the toolbar in Google Calendar
Interact with mathematical expressions you find on Wikipedia or other webpages.
Extends the Developer Tools, adding a sidebar that displays React Component Hierarchy.
Implements the Illumina go/* shortcuts AP to quickly navigate to Go Keywords define on Insider.
Chat with people on the same website as you.


Dcinside Integrated Broadcast Environment
Now you can resize the label column in Gmail


Sumon is so much more than just a game. Besides having fun, you can exercise your mind as you find the right sum.
View Roblox experience analytics from RoMonitor Stats inside Roblox
Court Side - The Best Sports Coverage Worldwide


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