Free download MP3 music from sites where you can listen to it.
Build Appcues experiences and events while on your website.
Take control over video playback speed! Change video/audio playback rates of HTML5 media including YouTube videos.
This extension provides remote controller for LG Smart TVs.
WebinarJam Screen Sharing是一款可以通过传输线路及多媒体设备,将声音、影像及文件资料互传,实现即时且互动的沟通,以实现远程会议(包括远程教学)的视频会议Chrome插件。
BooleanAssistant, your best boolean generator and email hunter
Waze Map Editor script that creates a link to the current position in Google Maps™.
Generate short URLs using bit.ly
Official Card counter for Trello. Show card counters and the total cards in your board!
Card counter and card ID's for easy collaboration and project management
Create barcodes in your browser
Converts web page phone numbers to dialable links
That's Pretty Gay (iDubbbzTV) 是一款可以帮助谷歌浏览器用户拥有CrayonMelon的经典“嘿,那很好”的Chrome插件。
E-SSOM Web SSO是一款支持谷歌浏览器用户在Chrome浏览器中允许用户自动登录其公司网站的Chrome插件。
Add button on youtube videos to easly get thumbnail
Questa estensione rimuove le pubblicità da vvvvid.it
轻松的iCloud 访问
LIVE TV是一款可以帮助谷歌浏览器用户在线观看突尼斯直播电视的Chrome插件。
Lets you select text on websites (i.e. fanfiction.net) that disable this functionality.
Clear ALL Browsing Data by deleting downloads, cached files and browsing history.
aqicn.org 插件Chrome浏览器.
Wide chat area for YouTube Live
Significantly improves YouTube comments by replacing them with random herps and derps.
WebinarNinja Screen Share
Hands free reading by auto-scrolling the page
F Trump是一款当您的鼠标指针悬浮的地方有“特朗普”字样的时候,都用中指替换鼠标光标的Chrome插件。
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