Displays XML data in a user friendly way.
The Navigation System for software that allows anybody to use any application instantly
Get An Updated Weather Forcast With a Single Click - Our Weather Extension is Accurate, Fast And User Friendly
A completely free extension to visualise JSON response in awesome Tree and Chart view with great user experience and options. ✅…
Salesloft Connect enables users to more easily track communication and add people to workflows using Salesforce.com and Gmail.
The SigCaptureWebSDK Chrome Extension enables users to capture signatures on ePad Link signature pads.
It admits automatically users from outside the organisation!
Capture screenshots in a user friendly way
Better NX takes users to relative content after a site is no longer available.
Pretty NX helps users find related content and websites if a site doesn't exist.
Assists users with moving to a new destination if the site they visit is no longer online
Assists user with finding similar searched options if resource or website is unavailable.
Switches User-Agent strings to mimic, spoof or fake other browsers or bots.
Allows you to run asset and user actions in the Lansweeper web console.
Userscript manager
Automatically redirect pages based on user-defined rules. E.g. always redirect an article url to its printer-friendly version.
Simplest way to switch between user-agents in your browser!
The People extension is making browsing super fast and efficient for todays web users.
Send users to relative sites if the site they want is down.
Created by AdBlock, with 60M users, AdBlock Premium is the gold standard of blockers. Blocks ads, malware, and more.
Extension for AliDropship plugin. Allows direct import of AliExpress products to the user's dropshipping store.
Allows you to block YouTube™ videos and comments by blacklisting users and/or by using regular expressions.
Qwik-Search gives you quick access to a selection of popular search engines all on the one window via a user-friendly drop-down menu
Need simple session management? Several users on the same Chrome? FreshStart is a simple cross browser session manager.
Use this extension to add subtitles available to user to any YouTube video
M-Files for Chrome ensures optimal M-Files user experience for Google Chrome.
The most popular photo editor and painting app. Over 30 million users & 500 million saved images.
Allows the user to modify requests as they happen.
Test responsive web designs or mobile pages that detect specific user agents. Test multiple devices at the same time!
Prevent users from adding people into the Google Meet sessions.
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