GitHub on steroids
Adds code intelligence to GitHub, GitLab, and other hosts: hovers, definitions, references. For 20+ languages.
It can make the sub-directories and files of github repository as zip and download it
ZenHub – Project Management Inside GitHub
Simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
Display repo size, size of each file, download link and option to copy file contents
Open in Colab是一款可以支持Chrome浏览器用户在Google Colab中打开Github托管的笔记本的谷歌浏览器插件。
A Dark theme for all of GitHub based on Atom One Dark.
💻 Get implementation code for machine learning research papers with code directly on Google, ArXiv, Scholar, Twitter, Github, etc.
Universal open source web clipper for Notion,OneNote,Joplin,Yuque,Bear,Github and more notes.
Add a file tree to GitHub Pull Requests
获取百度网盘高速下载链接. Extract high speed download links from pan.baidu.com. Github: https://github.com/luochenzhimu/BaiduPan-Explorer
使用GitHub/GitHub Enterprise/Bitbucket/GitLab管理GAS的inline代码
显示 GitHub 仓库的估计代码行数
Neat hovercards for GitHub.
Renders an isometric pixel view of GitHub contribution graphs.
File tree for GitHub, and more than that.
A simple browser tool changes file's icon on GitHub, GitLab, gitea and gogs.
OctoHR - GitHub profile pages for Recruiters. Helps recruiters to get more information about developers. Simplifies search for the…
Add instant search capabilities to GitHub's search bar.
Renders Github equations with MathJax
Displays your GitHub notifications unread count
Automatically adds repository size to GitHub's repository summary
Automatically integrate your Leetcode & GeeksforGeeks submissions to GitHub
Missing mate of GitHub, making single file download effortless and with more features
Shows swagger yaml/json rendered by Swagger-UI. This extension replace swagger code into preview html in GitHub.
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