Biznet Bilişim Elektronik imza token erişim eklentisi
EasyReader can customize and improve the readability of long web articles
Over 32 accessibility & productivity features built to support every kind of reader, learner, and writer. Includes dyslexia support.
To test the color contrast according to WCAG accessibility requirements
Visual impairment simulation and auditing tools to develop for accessibility.
Pretend that all browser windows are active by spoofing the visibility state event and more!
Improve the Parsys Télémédecine videoconferencing solution with new capabilities.
Mais visibilidade de endereços de e-mail
Provides ability to open pages and links by Internet Explorer (Cloned IE View based on WebExtensions-based)
Provides more capabilities for Hoppscotch
Countdown & countup timer, with simple interface and ability to run multiple timers.
Adds ability to change song speed with an input next to the volume slider.
NetSupport Manager delivers the very latest in remote PC support and desktop management capabilities. Flexibility is key in the…
Access saved passwords from Total AV's Password Vault, including the ability to generate and save a new password.
The ability to rotate a video clip by 90, 180 or 270 degrees.
The Loop11 extension lets you participate in usability tests & is only active whilst completing a test for which you’ve opted in.
Quickly check to see if this Google Document or Sheets is accessible.
Calcul automatique du rendement brut sur les annonces des grand sites immobiliers.
Robility connect Chrome Extension monitors address bar URL and helps to protect corporate data
Jumpstart your web accessibility efforts directly in Chrome.
Thin Scroll Bar to increase screen space for little more visibility. It is thin to show current position on the document
Transplanted from Safari's Reader View module. Just click a icon in the address bar and you'll get a readability page.
This extension enables ClickOnce apps in Chrome™. It is necessary to use DiCentral DiWeb™ to the maximum of its capability.
Offers the ability to save tab(s) and bookmarks as Internet shortcut files.
Expand your possibilities in the game. Win in the Arena and in GW, easily pass adventures. Find out params of competitors heroes.
Shows available seats, professor ratings, and gives you the ability to export your calendar!
FOP2 lets you monitor your Asterisk PBX extension status, launch popups and add click to call capabilites to any web page/app.
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