Adds features like highlighting famous imgurians, upvote bar to the people and heartwarming green that we know and love
For people whose access to Imgur is blocked. It fixes Imgur links, embedded media, address bar input, dynamically loaded content.
Automatically sets Imgur albums to the horizontal layout.
Upload an image to Imgur and get the resulting URL without ever leaving your Reddit tab
Enables creating a clean version of an imgur album without comments for archival purposes
This extension will search for imgur urls on page and replace them with filmot
Add user links (favorites, comments, about) beside the post author and commentor usernames when on any Imgur page.
Converts Imgur URLs To Kageurufu URLs
A nano-sized chrome extension to automagically skip Imgur Promoted posts.
Attempts to directly link you to the image, currently supports Imgur & QuickMeme


Brings back slideshows for Imgur galleries
Opens the whole row of images in new tabs with a single click on a link "Open all!"

Tiki Pik

Preview linked images on the current page. Works with imgur, instagram, tumblr, flickr and more!
Upvote or downvote everything on an Imgur page.
Paste images into the textbox to upload it to Imgur
It is used primarily to bypass the blocking of Wikipedia and Imgur in Turkey.
Access imgur and Wikipedia
There was only one site left in the web, and the mission was to save it.
Quick access button for Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Imgur.
Beta: Enhances imgur.com with power user features.
This extension allows you to sort your favorite images into folders
把各地方看到Imgur的梗圖加入我的最愛,以便之後圖戰用 :)
Easier way to replace a hostname with another one. This is useful if your government blocked imgur.
Uploads any image you paste to Imgur, so that you can use the url easier.
Open all Imgur pictures in their own tabs.
Automatically skips Imgur pages that have promoted ad posts so you don't have to see the ads.
Load imgur images from twitter cards
This extension redirects an Imgur link to a direct image link.
Check imgurs for file types, no more surprises!
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