A set of useful tools including eyedropper and ruler for web designers, frontend developers, etc. Will add more tools later.
Save articles, videos, and other content for later use
Save YouTube live streaming chats in your browser. Download as CSV to read later.
Save web pages to read later with one click! Saves pages to the Pocket online service.
If you have Safari Books online(R) subscription, use this extension to save videos to your disk to watch later offline.
This extension helps you save the tabs in your current Chrome session, and reload them later.
Save tabs in window to be used later
Snooze your tabs for later!
Web Flash Playlist saves your favorite flashes and run them later.
Multi Layout Manager allows you to set up and save windows layouts to reload later.
Instantly capture URLs in BrainBox for use later with TheBrain.
Save your favorite ideas online so you can easily get back to them later.
Bulk Add and Delete YouTube Watch Later videos automatically
Reduces memory by saving your open tabs for later use
Enhance Gmail with send later, tracking, templates, signatures, notes, tasks ... and more.
Powerfully filter & sort by tags, ratings, visit count, date added, and last visit. And save smart collections for later!
Declutter your browser by snoozing tabs and windows until you actually need them.
Remembers tabs for later so you don't have to.
Remembers closed tab so that it can be revisited later. It works accross browser windows. Various other options available too.......
Mark your reading progress in articles with Markticle, so you could continue reading them later.
Use mywebook clipping tool to save articles, videos, images, products and more to your account for later reading and easy access.
Save tabs to read later and automatically sync between browsers.
View online recipes without distraction. Easily select ingredients for same-day delivery. Print, share, or save a copy for later.
Adds a 'Copy message ID' button to Gmail messages which generates a search term that you can later use to get back to your message.
Enables save websites for later, no ads, no logins
Save all your current tabs and come back to them later.
With Vookmark quickly bookmark videos across the web and mobile and watch it later on your browser, Apple TV, iOS or Android devices
Take screenshots and store them in local memory. Download them automatically or at a later date.
Listen to any website using Podcasts, now or later.
Mark snippets and quotes quickly then easily retrieve and cite them later.
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