Change imgur.com to filmot.org. Supports RES view images and never ending reddit. Changes albums to gallery view so they work
ImgConverter converts from image of markdown notation to to img tag
Adds new features to imgur. You can change the loading gif, add back the upvote/downvote (ratings) bar, much more!
Downloads images from image hosts.
(Semi)Automatically be notified about new images in the imgur.com gallery
Instantly capture fullpage, or partial screenshots. After capture they get uploaded to img42 for easy shareability.
Easy to use Imgur Image Hosting, supports select/drag upload pictures and generate picture address, HTML, UBB and Markdown formats
Upload images to Imgur easily
A Chrome extension made by and for the Imgur Community.
Rehosts images on leproimg.com
Save all your favorite images to imgfave.com
Redraw IMG elements on HTML5 Canvas, forcing GPU to handle the work.
Unblocks blocked Imgur image and Pastebin paste access requests by using different proxies.
Avoid scrolling on Imgur to read the comments! Imgur for lazy people with big screens.
The quickest way to launch Imgur's video to GIF creation tool
Convert image to base64 for markdown or other purpose https://github.com/Arryboom/img2base64
Loads the ImgOpSec page for a URL/Instagram. Right click on any image in your browser and go directly to the ImgOpSec page for it.
Changes Google Inbox background (when at zero messages) to a picture you choose from Dropbox or Imgur.
Hopefully people will stop bothering @Sarah for new loading gifs every 30 seconds
This extension enables you to have a changing new tab background using a Local Directory or Imgur

Image Tag

Adds [IMG] tag when copying image links for discussion boards.
This extension will optimization image a page using Squeezeimg
Converts Imgur URLs To Filmot URLs
This extension will convert all instances of imgur.com/gallery/ links to direct links
Image Uploader using cnblogs img service
Adds features like highlighting famous imgurians, upvote bar to the people and heartwarming green that we know and love
For people whose access to Imgur is blocked. It fixes Imgur links, embedded media, address bar input, dynamically loaded content.
Host images with right click to imgChili.
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