Fast and easy way to test your responsive design in multiple viewports
Easily and quickly download multiple files from websites.
Simple bulk image download extension, filter by resolution and file type, download photos from multiple tabs in one click.
Allows you to store and access multiple elements in clipboard
Browser addon to open multiple urls with one click. With many more tools to help you manage urls.
Create Microsoft Word document from complete or selected content of multiple web pages.
Countdown & countup timer, with simple interface and ability to run multiple timers.
Right click on selected text to search on multiple search engines for Chrome. Supports grouping engines, incongito, and more.
Edpuzzle extension, created to reveal all multiple choice answers on any Edpuzzle assignment.
A screensaver with multiple photo sources, including your Google Photos.
Bring all emojis to use on sites by the easiest ways with various styles of multiple platforms
Working with multiple tabs at the same time can be so easy. Arrange your tabs into layouts on separate windows in a click.
Book Bolt Lister - Bulk Upload Multiple Book Design Variations Easily Book Bolt Lister is available under any of the Book Bolt…
Enjoy playing multiple games from task bar icon.
GG Auto clicker helps you automate mouse clicks on your chrome browser and has multiple options for automation.
highlight multiple text on web pages.
If you have multiple accounts let Swap My Cookies manage them for you!
Searching and highlighting multiple words on the web was never this easy. It's the most efficient finder and highlighter out there.
Opens multiple URLs or searches for several words using a configured search engine, each one in a new tab.
This extension helps you to download multiple files from archive.org collections
Simply check or uncheck multiple checkboxes at a time by clicking and dragging.
Search across multiple genealogy sites for matching records.
Delete all Facebook messages at once (or) Choose and Delete multiple messages at once
This extension enables the user to select all the documents present in the web page for download.
Browser Clipboard makes copy/paste easy by providing a panel that can hold multiple items.
Quickly get the downloads and nothing else.
Select/deselect multiple checkboxes by click and drag!
Convert and merge multiple files with different formats into a single PDF document
Open multiple URls at once with single click. Also supports delay in opening URls.
Print Multiple Emails at once from the Inbox screen.
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