Enhance your New Tab Page with ultimate customizability and power. Awesome, like you. [ANTP]
Customize your Scrollbar easily, fast and however you want!
Scratch Addons provides customizable features and themes for the scratch.mit.edu website and project editor.
Provides easy access to WhatsApp and notifies you of all incoming posts.
Customizable Dark & Night theme for Facebook™.
Create Whatsapp Groups in a single click. Share single or multiple customizable messages to your contacts
Giyu Tomioka Demon Slayer theme in new tab
Enjoy your clean and neat New Tab that will stimulate your productivity daily. Customize your desktop the way you like it.
The Promised Neverland 新标签页中的全高清壁纸和主题
A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector.
Easily save images with a wide range of customization features, such as file size, dimensions, and image type.
Magnifying glass, also Zooming loupe , just enlarges any part of your screen for easier use.!
Spiderman Homecoming New Tab is custom newtab with Spider-Man Homecoming wallpaper. Theme made for Spiderman Homecoming fans.
访问 Google™ 服务和网站的最佳方式
Customize your own supermodel and guide her through the glamorous world of fashion! Full of mini-games, pets, boyfriends, and duels!
A new, customizable start page for Chrome. Easily find your favorite bookmarks and closed tabs. Take notes as you browse.
Translate texts within page context, customize your own style of popup block, and more.
Keyword Tool Dominator Extension
The most efficient way to use your favourite search engines. Search selected text, use customizable hotkeys and much more.
Japanese dictionary with Anki integration
Automatic follow/unfollow/like with advanced filters, randomized timers, and more high-tech features.
UI customizations and tweaks for the web version of YNAB.
Customize and change the appearance of online articles to enhance text readability
Distraction free reader view. Customize with themes and options. Remove visual clutter and clean your mind
Переводчик китайской прошивки Xiaomi роутера. Работает офлайн. Не требует настройки.
A remarkably customizable personal homepage featuring 50+ widgets, breathtaking backgrounds and much more.
Boost Notion productivity with 20+ customizations like outline,small text full width for all,back to top button etc
Zoomable realtime whiteboard for shared teamwork collaboration. Vector design, sketch drawing, shape recognition, tutoring, meeting.
Simple speed-customizable auto scroll
Mi Home For PC extension provide you new background in new tab page. Created for Xiaomi fans.
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