Improves readability of VeloViewer and makes it more pleasing to the eyes
SafeDrop Free main features: - improved readability and clarity on Supreme and Palace sites - added sold out tags visible all the…
An interface cleanup for The Hindu website, focusing on content readability. More whitespace, less clutter and clear typography
This extension lets you limit the width of any web page, for better readability on big screens.
Condensed theme for enhanced readability when browsing disqus.com/home/
Enable bionic reading for any webpage, improving readability for neurodiversity such as ADHD and autism.
A simple but powerful tool to improve website readability for people with dyslexia
Improve readability of Namuwiki web pages.
Changing Background to soft colors plus font size adjustment for readability
Readability. An Arc90 Lab 오픈소스를 기반으로 한 플러그인으로 웹페이지를 아이콘 클릭으로 보기편한 화면으로 변환 시켜 줍니다. 읽기모드, readability
Alternate CSS for nginx.org with a focus on readability.
Makes Doc Scratch's text more easily readable
Developed by Expert Teachers
This extension improves the readability of the agile boards of Atlassian Jira. Works perfectly with both the Scrum and the Kanban…
Improves readability and useability of UCLA degree audit.
A massive redesign of the Wikipedia website. Enhanced design includes a more user friendly interface that increases readability.
Speed read readability pages similarly to Spritz.
Get your inbox's emails readability ease score–using Flesch–Kincaid readability tests.
EasyReader can customize and improve the readability of long web articles
Add a reading time indicator to Readability
Improve the readability of web documentation
Adjusts Formatting of Wiki Pages for better readability
Adds hierarchy and readability to PSU's student DARS reports.
Minor changes to the Getty contributor forum style. You may find it improves readability.
One-click stylesheet replacement for hard-to-read websites. This plugin strives to improve website readability by replacing user…
This extension improves the readability of markdown on Github
Turns links into footnotes.
TextMine provides readability analysis, keyword extraction, sentiment detection, word defintions, synonyms.
This extension will improve readability on the new Hulu website
Fixes Nature.com readability
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