Easily hide and restore all open tabs with the click of a button!
Automatically closes the page opened by Zoom to launch meetings and restores focus to the tab you were on before opened.
Restore, filter or remove recently closed tabs, windows and history including those from other devices.
Filly is next-gen form filler. Save & restore forms with one hotkey. Automatically reuse forms from other team-members.
Restores your own twitter background, instead of the horrible white one.
Save & restore your browser sessions. Auto saving, multiple sessions and more.
Restores the ability to see dislikes on YouTube
View and restore recently closed Tabs and Windows
Would you still like to be able to enjoy Youtube's old look? Button "Restore old design" disappeared? Here is a solution. You…
Provides access to the lists of solutions for Duolingo's translation / listening challenges, and restores the correction of typos.
Save and restore all tabs from toolbar popup!
Automatically backup and restore your bookmarks.
Backups and Encrypts all the cookies and Decrypts and Restores them when you need it.
TabMate helps you manage tab clutter. Easily switch between tabs across all open windows, save/restore set of tabs/windows
Save and restore your tabs and windows, and navigate tabs in a vertical view.
Reduce tab clutter and mute distractions when you start a task: close tabs, block notifications, and restore them all later.
Delete superfluous political riff-raff from news sites.
Restore the Google logo back to the year 2014
Restores edited, deleted and removed posts and comments on Reddit
Save browser tabs in one-click and Restore tabs when need.
Quickly save or restore all tabs with just a click!
Restore the old percentage of My Epitech !
This addon restores the forums removed from IMDb and you can continue posting to them on filmboards.com
Restores consistent ctrl+click, shift+click, cmd+click and middle-click behaviour when clicking links.
Restores author bylines to the New York Times homepage and section pages
Restores the 'View Images' button when browsing images on Google Images.
With one click, restores broken images by using the most recent version archived on the Wayback Machine if there is any.
Restores the 'print-friendly PDF' feature of lichess. Exports any game as a pretty-printed PDF file.
Through effective self monitoring and practice, ZenFoci helps you time your work sessions and build and maintain focus.
Restores emotes and faith in humanity to users of destiny.gg
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