Saves a wix site snapshot
List all your Sharesight portfolios
 One-click snapshot of thousands of startups in Southeast Asia The VentureCap Insights extension is a must-have for anyone…
Change volume, speed, and seek with mouse wheel, adjustable control bar, take a video snapshot, and more tweaks for CuriosityStream.
A chrome extension save webpage snapshot as html
Create page snapshot with searchable content and screenshots. Works for local files too!
Agility PR Solutions Snapshot
Agility PR Solutions Snapshot
Snapshot of all the permissions used by each installed extension.
Save and restore cookies quickly! It's like behaves multiple login sessions.
Screen sharing and Snapshot for mluvii application
TabSnap is a simple, robust, open-source backup tool for your open tabs!
Create Snapshots of HTML5 banners and Rich Media in DALIM ES This extension for “ES New Media Annotation” enables you to create…
Screen sharing and Snapshot for mluvii application
When extension active it will detect face whose in front of PC and takes a snapshot for sending to your Google Drive account.
צפה באתר כלכליסט בלי להיכנס לאתר דרך הדפדפן. אפליקציה מעולה למי שרוצה להתעדכן תוך כדי עבודה ולא רוצה לפתוח את האתר.
Certified snapshot of any website
Takes a snapshot of the current webpage and uploads to Snapilicious.com
A browser extension to save the current state of the DevTools panel.
GlobalLink Snapshot for Web Pages
A simple cryptocoin tracker for the new tab page.
Need to make a decision? Gather web pages and rank them according to the criteria you specify at The Decision Wall.
Create a JAM-Task from a SnapShot!
Replace your new tab with a quick snapshot of your favorite TV shows status.
Checks webpages for phish based on snapshots of known-good sites.
Say goodbye to hoarded tabs, and say hello to SnapTab! SnapTab's signature "snapshot" feature lets you save all of the tabs…
With the snapshot capture extension, you can take snapshots of pages for analysis in Experience Analytics (Tealeaf).
Take a snapshot of all of the tabs currently open, and pop them back up even after they're all closed.
Capture the state of your current browser window.
Generate screen snapshot for HMI
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