
Shows estimates summaries and percentage done (based on estimates) in the epics details in Jira cloud next-gen projects
Preview any Bootswatch theme on your Bootstrap website right from the browser! Legacy version for Bootstrap v3
VSTS handle external workitem
(C) by edupham.com
Sharing content on Hackages could not be easier! Few steps to become a contributor on Hackages and help others staying up to date…
Notifies you of phab revisions that are actionable
Using this extension, you can collect all the contextual data related to a bug/issue in a couple of clicks.
Shows correct timestamp for 1.75 speed in Watch Later
Simplify your MPL page
AppDynamics Dashtime: Muda automaticamente o time range no seu controller para visualização das 00h do dia corrente até o horário…
iconfont to datauri
a handy tool for organizing your more and more stars.
Toggle between development environment url's
Highlights JavaScript modules (in CommonJS or ES6 imports) on GitHub
A chrome extension for blocking anything you dislike when visiting websites
Open store from anywhere
Time Management System Entry form to test extention
FMQ Syncer
View LN2 web services in Chrome.
An extension to add a home button on all pages.
Tuicool shortcut extension for Chrome.
Web design & web development news from around the web, updated regularly. This is a project for the community.
GitHub enhancements to make your life easier
Customer journeys and web analytics
Crowdfund and earn bounties on Github
Cho phép bạn đặt hàng, nhận báo giá trực tuyến tại các website thương mại điện tử như 1688, tmall, taobao, aliexpress.
Scripts to modify stackoverflow styling
Insert JavaScript Libraries Into Your Console
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