
Shows graphs and diagrams rendered by PlantUML.
A HTML5 validation library, using a JavaScript port of the excellent TIDY library
Get notified about banned keywords before you submit your Amazon Merch design!
Keyboard shortcuts for EM, REM, and Percentage conversions in Webflow
Reload all tabs, reload only tabs with urls and create custom reloading profiles with tons of options.
Provides an on-screen rulers along with their coordinates on a web page
Inject code into websites! (JavaScript, CSS, HTML and Files)
Checks all links on a page for any external links that do not have the attribute rel="nofollow" and highlights them in a red border.
SEMSTORM: keywords is a free keyword tool which allows to get more keyword suggestions from Google.
Interacts with Visual Studio's Browser Link feature
Robomotion is a web-based and cloud-native Robotic Process Automation (RPA) platform.
Assinatura de NFe
Easily spot missing ARIA labels, misused ARIA roles, and incomplete keyboard support in your web applications.
Preview Userflow flows in draft mode before installing Userflow.js in your application.
A Chrome extension for finding DOM based XSS vulnerabilities
To do list extension - Take and manage notes for you everytime, everywhere.
Take screenshot of any HTML element on a webpage.
Extensão para selecionar os jogos de forma automatizada no portal da Caixa.
Snapfont - Test fonts on live websites
GW Sistemas - Extensão
Easy Quizizz Is An Brand New Plugin That Will Help You Get An 100 On Your Quizizz!
Yahoo!広告 タグチェッカー for Chrome Extension
Universal Extractor free download. Universal Extractor latest version: Extract files from any type of archive. [Window 10,7,8]
Best Content-Security-Policy tool to validate and check XSS, Clickjacking & Formjacking protection grade and to detect CSP bypasses.
One tool to rule them all! An ever-growing collection of Salesforce developer tools.
A light-weight extension to preview the open graph tags ( og tags) of the page in your current tab
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