
Easily add content to your Feedly while browsing
Easily download most popular audio formats.
Alternate player of live broadcasts for Twitch.tv website.
Engage your audience with live polling and Q&A without ever leaving Google Slides
Plays local videos on Chrome/Chromecast (with subtitles) and playback control from your mobile device.
Passbolt extension for the open source password manager for teams.
Free email tracker for Gmail. Email opens tracking and link clicks statistics for your email messages.
Lets you know what font is used on any website
Powerful XML viewer for Google Chrome
最大限度地保护您的浏览器:NoScript 只允许您选择的信任域名显示活动内容,以防止漏洞利用。
Бесплатный переводчик английских слов и фраз на сайтах. Читайте зарубежные издания и учите английский язык
Hide YouTube related videos, comments, shorts tab, suggestions wall, homepage recommendations, trending, and other distractions.
Edit, e-sign, print or fax PDFs directly from search engine results and webpages with the pdfFiller extension.
Stops Chrome from suspending tabs, and reloading them when you switch to them.
Automatically claims 'Channel Points' on Twitch
Collaborate with anyone, anywhere using Meet extension.
Convenient and fast translation of selected text on a web page.
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The Worlds Best Slither.io Mod Zoom and Extension! Hundreds of custom skins! Skin Creator!
MyEtherWallet Chrome Extension - Browse the blockchain. Bring your own MEW.
Enable or disable JavaScript without the hassle.
Your team’s collective knowledge and process documentation, everywhere you need it.
Extend your AWS IAM switching roles. You can set the configuration like aws config format
Provides better integration with the KDE Plasma 5 desktop.
Best way to clean cache and browsing data from Chrome browser!
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