
Extensión que te permite demostrar el zorrón que llevas dentro en Facebook.
Makes replacements based on the following web comic: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/substitutions.png
Use this Bookmark popup menu to add our website to your favorites list.
Reveals the true name of Anthony Charles Lynton Blair.
Расширение позволяет расшаривать экран в онлайн-трансляции
This extension allows the user to change all the es on the current page.
Soyez au courant quand votre streameur préféré commence à streamer!
Welo.im extension
Remove personal information from social networks and other websites before sharing a screenshot.
Replaces the text 'the cloud' with 'my butt'.
This extension will add a "new" notation after the books with new chapters
This extension allows you to share your screen
Hide ugly overflow in jenkins
Show scuba pics
This WebRTC screen capturing extension can be used within any WebRTC library/application! Use getScreenId.js!
this extension notifies when Jbug08 is live !
Online Visitors
Turn off facebook's seen feature
This is a screen sharing extension for meet.remoteteachers.com
This extension hides the number of upvotes untill you upvote an answer.
Taobao Crash Log Downloader
This extension shows a Yellow Apps deals
It is a browser add-on of Screen Moove, which provides digital menu service.
Add features to https://online-go.com to discourage bad habits
Keep Reddit on a more positive note
Redirect Steemit urls into Busy urls.
Dota2 chat wheel like wheel for open quick access links
This is new description of my extension
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