
Edit Javascript templates in various engines.
Universal Cart
Inject a minimal CSS to enhance website look
Shows some of the features of the Context Menus API
Filter Ice Bucket challenge posts from Facebook.
Screensharing utility sample for getscreenmedia
Plays a familiar brief music clip whenever you click on a Remember Me check box on a web form
This extension is full of Pranav-isms.
Intended features: 9gag Dark Theme, auto copy, settings page, always show vid controls
Vous informe si LeGrosBubu est en ligne
A browser action with an instant storage of any link.
Lateral blog post demo extension
This extension is used to help HH mods. Currently allows warning/delete.
Capture full-screen or specific application's screen on Shunengwuhuo.com
Reveals Millennials for what they are.
To view wbgdrb update
Melania said replaces the names of quotes with Melania Trump.
A fun news-reader word-replacement, based on http://xkcd.com/1288/
Remove Quick Keys from Vend and increase the sell screen to full page width.
President Joffrey replaces all mentions of Donald Trump with mentions to Joffrey Baratheon
Downloads all images on a web page, courtesy of didey(patrick@didey.net).
아이디어들을 투표순으로 정렬합니다.
Note: This is not an official product of, officially affiliated with, or endorsed/supported by TagPro or Koalabeast. this is…
Peep Show Quote Filter
TRBMB. Right from your browser
BuzzFeed.com feed reader by Ivanna Yatsura for NaUKMA course work
do words better for imaginary phsyical pasttime of nerdy collaborative
Pastes emoticons
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