
Webbrowser-Erweiterung für den Fabasoft Cloud Client
Find premium email and mobile data for your most valuable prospects - directly in your Chrome Browser.
Check email addresses found on any page online with Snov.io's free Email Verifier tool.
Close the tab with your favorite series or any another streaming video/audio after the desired time - sleep in silence
Relaxing Sounds by Giovesoft. Listen and relax with the sounds of nature. Ascolta e rilassati con i suoni della natura
Desktop application developed for Reddit with an intuitive column design with fast browsing for your endless entertainment needs.
Access Gainsight email templates and easily sync emails to Timeline directly from Gmail to save time & effort in your day.
Send PDF (Portable Document Format) links to the Foxit™ Reader from right-click context menu or browser's action button
AutoPurged: auto erases your tracks every time you close chrome
Would you like to download video? Soical Video Downloader will do it for you! Most popular and useful Video Downloader!
Integrates Chrome and Chromium-based browsers with the EO.workspace app virtualization solution.
Record screen along with audio and making the recording downloadable
An extension to prevent access to websites depending on your public IP address. Icon from flaticon.com.
Hello, Goodbye blocks annoying chat widgets.
Fill up your PDF Forms quickly online for free. You can select files from your PC or Google Drive.
Find company, contact and technographics information for ANY website or LinkedIn profile page you’re on.
Take care of your eyes day and night using dark theme for Jira tools and services.
A simple digital clock for the toolbar. This is JUST THE MINUTES. Pair with the hours for an awesome readable clock in your toolbar!
Transcribe Google Meet Chats to a Google Doc.
保持在Google Meet中进行交谈,而不是费力地尝试静音和取消静音
Simple and minimalistic extension for task management.
Quickly open the 'Downloads' folder on Chrome OS devices right in the browser window.
Always highlight a set of words stored for chosen webpages.
Visualping Chrome Extension
Making Spanish class easier! By Daniel Schon
Collaborate with anyone, anywhere using Meet Extension
Single-click Chrome cleaner: clean up the trash in one single click
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