
Looking for Convertri? Grab this chrome extension and unlock your secret discount, full review and of course a bonus too.
Adds a shortcut icon to the address bar that allows you to shuffle soundcloud playlists on shufflethatshit.com.
Taobao Tmall data scraper - easy data extraction tools of product, price, sales rank, review
Download a torrent directly to your folder, on a remote machine
Tool for visual navigation throw text
Arrange the tabs in chrome easily
Generate and navigate to Deep link-ed URLs based on RegEx pattern or Array match
The user can upload emails and email attachments directly into DocuVantage OnDemand. DocuVantage OnDemand® is an affordable, full…
Highlights 90 fact-checked true statements
Counts open tabs and colored signals how many tabs you got
Черновики для Паба Канобу
Adds min/max price filters to the Fooda browse items page
Runneth is a bookmark manager that forces you to prioritize
Får Fronter att spara ditt lösenord så att du slipper skriva in det varje gång du råkar stänga ner sidan. Skapat av Ivan Liljeqvist.
Get a countdown for your day!


This extension creates a U+ icon in the Chrome Browser
Allows users of Pivotal Tracker (www.pivotaltracker.com) to easily rearrange their panels.
Lexicon Extension是一款非常实用的网页专业词典Chrome插件,功能非常多,支持英汉、英英、俚语、词源、权威例句、汉语等超多词典,并且界面非常清爽,支持个性化设置,是迄今为止最好用的网页专业词汇注释插件。
Placemint's awesome chrome plugin that will help your recruiting needs
Redpill Coin Chrome Extension Beta V1.0
Video Ad Blocker
Find out your browsing habits
Une simple popup pour le racourcisseur d'URL de Ribt
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
Shows a countdown timer on vergecast pages, can also resort the layout for a cleaner look
Identify social engineering harmful to your group's values and identity.
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