
Takes a list of addresses and ports to open in browser tabs
Skip the Gunosy pages.
Open all bookmarks in one click.
Limited by budget fix
Bookmark Tagger
Blocks annoying cookie popups by hiding them in plain sight
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://seegnature.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
Removes all recommendations from youtube
Learn Language reading substack.


Save your tabs, and recall it!
Numbers scare you too? Here is a little tool so you don't need a coach to teach you the numpad notation.
A browser extension to serve Seonbi's features to your browser.
Remove a seção de comentários dos maiores portais de notícias do Brasil, porque eu não sou obrigado.
Screen capturing for 86links!
Focus on stories with content versus shares and likes on the Facebook page
This extension groups the Bookmarks with respect to the domain and can add more frequetly used as favourite bookmarks.
Ferramenta para exportar gráficos do ArcGIS Dashboards
Generates a marktai.com shortlink for a given URL
Neutralizes annoying parts of the Quora reading experience and lets you read again.
This tool allows you to open multiple URLs at the same time.
Simple and Easy to Remember Password Generator
Record videos from Vidyalai.com
Toggle between the origial UI and a more simplified UI giving you more screen space to work in
automation of select tasks
Organise the hunt for your dream house, all in one place.
Dental imaging bridge. This extension allows you to open your patient’s images directly from Evidentiae Dental software.
Cria um markdown para labels.
Remove all links, mouseOvers, mouseClicks, rightClicks from all websites
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