
urTutors.com Webinars screen sharing chrome extension.
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This extension gets parts of the href with regex and copys them to clipboard
This extension gives you the option for all links in a tab to open in a new tab. When enabled (shown by a green icon), every link…
Počisti smeće
Extension to make phone numbers on web pages clickable for easy dialing. Requires a PrimeVOX VoIP phone system.
Force your browser to use the superior Reddit interface
Tosses pages from here to there.
See and search your tabs.
An effortless way to keep track of how much time you spend sending and reading emails
Illustrated and Contextually Connected Communication / Messaging for the Hybrid Workforce.
Quick search by the largest database of dictionaries online | SLOVARonline.com
This extension will help readers count the number of typos in an article
Find your starwish
Add a toolbar button to open a web link in a new tab.
Fling your current page to Helium for OSX
Add images from any website to your Tickboxit product range.
Redirects from chrome-extension:///redirect.html to a random page specified in options.
Fast save bookmark to the current page to a predefined folder.
A free extension to remove promoted tweets / ad from your Twitter feed.
The internet is a series of tubes. Pipe clogger slows the flow of data from distracting websites
Sudo Tabs grants you ultimate control over your browser's tabs. The tools provided by this extension include: • Tab Suspender,…
More cancer in your eyes
an extension to help you decide what to read
Servicio de copia de contactos entre dispositivos móviles de movistar
A simple extension that allows you to share your desktop with eMedical Practice technician.
AutoAd by Anderson Rodrigues gerencie suas Contas TelexFREE
Blocks the swear words, bad, strong, foul language, swearing, cursing, etc. Make browsing safer and Internet cleaner!
Расширение функциональности платформы Апельсин
Enables screen sharing with SVOC
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