
We(b)ook makes web pages be web books, including in-page bookmarks,in-page annotations and some Hilighting and other tools
Playing instructions on how to use certain web apps (Asana, Trello, etc.)
Converts the steem USD to native fiat currency
Bookmark sites, images, and videos to a gallery. Supports downloading videos from most sites.
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop during your GAIKU meetings
Automatically close the current YouTube tab when your video ends.
eKreative notifier
Arka plan gorselini degistirir
Improve collaboration and boost productivity by using the best tool to record your browser tab, application, desktop, and camera.
Never miss a price change again.
Generates and manages your website passwords safely
Listen NFC messages from TransitUC desktop application
FuzzySearch tabs
Application used by our customer service agents to provide customer support through a simple chat interface.
Saves the current URL to webzalozky.cz bookmark manager
Ebook Reader Utility
Filter results, view selling price trends and more with MLMore extension
Zobrazuje průměry známek na sssvt.cz
Gitlab review helper
This extension embeds RateMyProfessor data within the UofO timetable website.
This Chrome Extension takes the veil off your eyes.
Change back those goddamned colors in pcr
Yeongho's custom features
Only move tab left when 'Ctrl+Shift+H', move tab right when 'Ctrl+Shift+L'
Better Reddit GlobalOffensiveTrade.
Generate possible email addresses for any person with ease!
Day2Day.password is the second app of a suite that aims at making your everyday life better by providing you with tools you need…
Form guard protects the user's privacy from hidden input fields in a form. We primarily focus on keeping your email, name, date of…
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