
View Football365 in a work safe mode
A simple, fast extension to find the number of internal links on a given webpage.
Настоящий классический пассивный доход
Garbage collector for your browser history
Open the LiveLayout code you are currently looking at using the WebPage's URL.
Adds license alert functionality
Make InsideFlyer look like Milepoint
A gmail extension to be more productive when it comes to interact with your emails!
Prevent the Escape key from closing Jira's ticket description text editor.
At-a-glance WaniKani Status
A simple game to challenge your digital distractions! How long can you go without jumping around tabs & windows?
My lovely words2
Extension to help getting Instagram, m.star.naver images and automatically changing twitter, Tistory and Daumcdn images to original
CRM Integration Powered by Voxtell
Connecter - its about the content and not the meeting itself. Getting creative work done effectively is what matters most.
Add a button in your toolbar to open the chrome native bookmarks manager.
Read a QR Code from a HTML page and open it.
This extension enhances SDSU Blackboard's UI, allowing you to remove things from the page.
Track your everyday goals with DoneToday.
Self-contained Search Box Tool for SafeName and Address
Aligned Meetings
SpaceFox helps you manage your tabs. You place each topic into its own space/window and SpaceFox keeps track of them for you.
A Chrome extension to refine jobcan UI.
Play video as audio
Allows you to easily submit reviews to the Isaac system. Please ensure that you have followed the getting started guide!
Donate whenever you procrastinate.
Notification des messages
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