Now anyone can create stunning visual content for print, mobile or web. Make brochures, newsletters, magazines, reports, and more.
Easily edit, annotate, eSign and transform any PDF from Google Drive into a fillable PDF form.
Print Friendly and PDF any Webpage
Save ink. Save paper. Print only the web content you need.
Prints useful information to the JavaScript console by enabling the debug version of the Google Analytics Javascript.
Edit, e-sign, print or fax PDFs directly from search engine results and webpages with the pdfFiller extension.
Cath Kidston is a distinctive British lifestyle brand best known for its witty vintage inspired prints and wide array of household…
Automatically redirect pages based on user-defined rules. E.g. always redirect an article url to its printer-friendly version.
Edit web pages prior to printing. Delete, hide and format elements. Edit text. Remove adverts and sidebars.
Most convenient way to take a screenshot. Download, crop, print
Defending against canvas fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Turns your browser into a slideshow of URLs. - Using just one tab for all URLs for minimal memory/resource footprint - You can…
Crop, Print, Download your screenshots
Help to track & upload work done on a Jira Ticket on timely basis and generate Worklog, Sprint and other custom reports.
A large selection of coloring pages and worksheets which can be colored in online or printed.
Submit jobs to LPM Cloud Print Release
Defending against WebGL fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Prevent HTML canvas element from generating a unique identification key to protect user's privacy
Local network printing for Chrome and Chromebooks
Instead of blocking JS-API, Canvas Defender creates a unique and persistent noise that hides your real canvas fingerprint
Prints to JavaScript console what data is sent to Adobe Analytics.
Easily draw on any website with simple drawing tools, then print the result.
PrintWhatYouLike lets you print the good parts of any web page while skipping ads and other junk.
Convert labels from popular websites to formats suitable for thermal printers.
Prints Pages in Chrome
Converts AliExpress order details into an invoice ready to print
Enables printing from the Google Chrome browser to YSoft SAFEQ.
EveryonePrint Hybrid Cloud Platform printing for Chrome and Chromebooks
Print to PDF from any primary source and upload it directly to MD-Staff.
为 Chrome 用户提供安全的企业打印服务。
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