Apply zoom to each tab independently of other tabs of the same website.
Click a group of adjoining jewels of same color to collect them.
Display subtitles of YouTube movies at the same time in multiple languages. Show subtitles of YouTube simultaneously.
Simple app to send emails to multiple destinations at the same time
Use mobile Instagram™ on your desktop c same way you would do on your mobile.
Boost customer interactions directly from Chrome by integrating it with samespace™.
Pick the Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) of any product on Amazon in the same way you pick a color in Photoshop!
Ensures that only one tab plays audio at the same time
Watch YouTube and Vimeo videos with your friends, at the same time!
Look up any word to get its definition, pronunciation, and example sentences in a dialogue box on the same page!
The world’s fastest ad blocker! Same ad blocking, 8x accelerated webpage loading.
Keeps the same tabs on all your machines. Tab changes are applied in real time on all of your devices.
Split view for 4 different pages on the same tab
Kijk Videoland samen met vrienden
Shoot a ball with the same color button
Make less effort searching for the best hotel deals.
Search any product by image in one click and find same or similar goods with lower price
Search any product by image in one click and find same or similar goods with lower price
Does what it says. Supports up to two accounts at the same time. No fancy features.
Switch between different map services. Convert coordinates and directions and jump to the same location on another map.
An extension that will allow the quick and easy launching of Google services, the same as the launcher in Gmail
View online recipes without distraction. Easily select ingredients for same-day delivery. Print, share, or save a copy for later.
Allows to access incognito mode from the same window by simply pushing a button.
Allows you to watch videos and read comments at the same time on Youtube.


Edit or create your images, you can manipulate photos by editing them with the same quality as a professional photo-editor software.
Allows searching in both Bing and Google at the same time by showing the results from both search engines side by side.
A simple Chrome extension to listen to music on Spotify with your friends at the same time!
Watch Remotely allows you to watch online videos together with friends - without being in the same room. Supported services are:…
Zoom one tab without affecting other tabs of the same domain!
Schedule meetings, get on the same page, and collaborate with your team on Tandem.chat.
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