Insert custom CSS into pages, immediately see the visual results, and have that CSS persist for future visits.
This extension allows you to play Akinator online and give you access to our game library for immediate game play.
screen dimmer,screen blue light filter, brightness control
Yuno - L'investissement immobilier simplifié
Immersive yourself in YouTube™ videos with ambient light!
NIGHT MODE FOR ALL WEBSITES. It darkens backgrounds of html based webpages.
Get immediate feedback on your product, service or website. Make better decisions with customer insights.
Free Webpage capture & Screenshots. Even if it is difficult to explain with text, you can immediately tell with a video.
Gives opportunity for many users to translate articles in Duolingo.


8D is able to process in real time all audio streams from your browser, and convert them to fully-immersive 8D sound
Read your PDF or Images book in an immersive way.
Turn your New Tab page Spanish to cultivate a productive web-browsing habit and learn faster.
Write down immediately what matters to you while you're reading on the net. Easily organize and improve your findings with others.
Diese Erweiterung trackt bestimmte Informationen des Spielers und stellt diese graphisch dar.
Inverted display mode for less eye strain in dark or dim lighting
A chrome extension that summarizes news articles
Immersive Interpretation Delivery to any browser-based meeting, event or live stream to empower multilingual communication by GT.
Amélioration des résultats de recherche sur les sites immobiliers
- This extension lets you enjoy your online videos without any of the distractions by dimming all of the other elements on the web…
Fierce fighting game in which you take charge of an immense mechanised robot and participate in awesome turn-based combat battles
Gimme! button for Google Chrome Extensions
Valorisation instantanée de chaque annonce consultée sur la plupart des sites d'annonces immobilères
Estimation Immobilière Instantanée, Automatique et Précise


Variations des prix des biens immobilier
Optimierte Wohnungssuche mit Deinem kostenlosen Immobilienhilfstool - Einfacher und Cleverer Lifehack zu Immobilieninfos
Add 'imdb' keyword to omnibox for searching on IMDB, with immediate search suggestions!
Immediately understand any word on any website. Expand your vocabulary through efficient word mastery
Adds a context menu item when you select a code example on the page to immediate test and edit in JS Bin
Claims twitch channel bonus immediately, automatically.
Share Taps & Feedback, see notifications and have immediate access to your profile with our Chrome extension integrated with Gmail.
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