Simple and easy to use calculator
Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter
One different scientific calculator...
Calc is a simple online calculator that saves your time. You can use Calc right in your browser without opening any additional tabs.
View total amount (in rupees) you have spent till now while ordering from Zomato App
Automatically converts units on web pages to familiar values, so you don't have to find that calculator again.
FanDuel Player Exposure, Salary Cap Calculator, Contest Details & More
Simple Units Converter is a general-use units conversion calculator good for converting from one set of units to another.
Shows the current calendar week and calculate a calendar week for any date.
BSR (Best seller rank) finder for Kindle, Paperback, Audiobooks and ACX Royalties Calculator - BSR for kindle, paperback and…
A simple and intuitive calculator that will help you in your work
Shows the code coverage of opened tab interactively without going to developer console
sellerboard Amazon FBA Profit Calculator
An extension that enhances the schoolloop interface to allow easy grade calculation
Influencer Searcher Engagement Rate Extention for Instagram
Accurate prayer times calculations based on islamicfinder.org with many customizable features
User friendly cryptocurrency exchange rates calculator with 500+ cryptocurrencies on the list: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash
Chess strongest move calculator.
Sudoku is your online game that can challenge your intellectual that deals with digits but no calculations needed.
An extension that will automatically calculate your grades for powerschool and print them on the page next to your letter grade.
This is an Amazon FBA ROI calculator and an Amazon FBA profit calculator.
Grade Calculator extension and many more features for managebac.com IB DP platform
This extension is a very basic test which calculates the number of clicks you can produce in a certain period of time.
Simple and Modern Calculator for Chrome browser.
Just one click to activate the calculator!
Hands down, the best mortgage calculator on the Chrome Web Store
Calculate screen size and resolution.
Calculate your profit/loss and charges incurred while trading using Zerodha's brokerage calculator.
This extension allows you to calculate the profit from an eBay sale.
Simple calculator extension with a clean design.
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