Digital Signature of eReturns, PDF & Web User Auth, RSA Encryption/Decryption, Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard.
Enhance your email provider with end-to-end encryption. Secure email communication based on the OpenPGP standard.
Simple end-to-end encryption to secure email and attachments on Google.
Chrome extension that provides end-to-end encryption for Gmail. Encrypt private emails and securely share files up to 10GB.
Quickly encode or decode string with a certain encryption or get the query for a certain web hacking method.
Protect a text messages, a web mail, or a files by the symmetric AES encryption with the password.
Discord message encryption plugin, it gives end-to-end clientside encryption for your messages and files with automatic key exchange
Fossa Guard enables end-to-end S/MIME encryption on top of Gmail® complementing it with industry standard privacy
High security encryption for email. PassLok is in no way associated with Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.
Zero knowledge, simple email encryption by Jumble; secures your emails and attachments in Gmail, Google Apps, Outlook and more
Easy to use PGP encryption and decryption.
Saving your rich text/picture notes on cloud, sharing among your devices, collecting web pages, and encryption to ensure security.
Safely store private files in your Google Drive
High security asymmetric encryption for text, files and chat. You keep the Key secret and give out the matching Lock
Copper Connect is your link between secure digital asset storage and the world of smart contracts. The end-to-end encryption is…
Encryption in the browser. Encrypt and decrypt any text with a password for secure communication.
Private Message allows you to share notes and messages with end-to-end encryption and a link that expires automatically.
Secure dialogue in vk.com with the AES encryption
FluffyPuffin Free encrypts any file less than 1MB to a chosen password and will automatically encrypt any download
Protect your Gmail email exchanges with a strong encryption. Protéger vos échanges courriel Gmail avec un cryptage puissant
Easy encryption.
Easy KeyBase.io Public Key Encryption.
Google Chrome plug-in for your e-mail encryption.
Lockmagic brings identity-based encryption to Gmail and Gdrive. Send encrypted email or Share encrypted files without passwords
Mindon Jellet - Javascript Encryption Gadget (BASE64, MD5, DES, AES, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, PBKDF2, RIPEMD-160, XXTEA)
Instantly get access to the world’s only shared email encryption community: 46 million strong and growing every day.
MD5 Encryption!
Camellia Encrypter - Javascript Encryption Gadget
Encryption extension for Google Chrome.
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