A virus is spreading in your system and threatening to take it offline. Your task is to clear infected nodes.
Quickly save an article you are reading in your browser in one of your Feedly boards
Annotate all manga images in the tab with kanji readings, web and user translations
Save ad-free articles and web pages to your email inbox for later reading.
Distill and display only the important content to enjoy a more focused reading experience
Format your XML so that it is indented correctly for easier reading.
Makes YouTube video float while you're reading/writing comments so you can do both at the same time.
Safeguard news reading experience
Top News Tabs is a cutting-edge news reading extension that allows you to browse smoothly through all the latest news worldwide.…
Best News Tabs is a cutting-edge news reading extension that allows you to browse smoothly through all the latest news worldwide.…
Get Top Tabs is a cutting-edge news reading extension that allows you to browse smoothly through all the latest news worldwide.…
Track, Measure, and Reward Online Reading.
An extension that allows for Bionic Reading on any webpage!
Defer your readings to Instapaper™, Pocket™, Readability™, Kippt™, Pinboard™ and Buffer™.
Read Medium stories without leaving the page if you reached to free reading limit.
A Kindle-like reading experience for the web.
Immersive reading mode
Neutralizes annoying parts of the Medium reading experience and lets you read again.
Yandex.Info offers contextual tips on sites you visit. It can clarify a word or phrase without distracting you from your reading.
Talis Aspire Reading Lists Bookmarking
Pretty print your Javascript and JSON. Format your code for easier reading. Convert between XML and JSON.


Save stories as ebook files for offline reading


Reading the web should be friendly for your eyes
A simple and minimal way to read articles faster.
Stops animations from distracting you while reading - just press the escape key [esc]... and press again to restore.
An extension that allows for Automatic Bionic Reading on any webpage
The best comic reading tool all over the world. There are lots of useful and powerful features such as Favortie, Update…
Phrase Highlighting for Speed Reading - Read Faster Immediately. The "Readlax Reader" removes ads and distractions, leaving only…
Save articles, videos, and other content for later use
Optimize any website for legibility and reading: clear spaced font, nice contrast, zen focus & night dark mode. Simple & lightweight
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