A Cookie Whitelist Manager that helps protect your privacy. Automatically removes unwanted cookies.
Displays a list of all Google Chrome cookies. Allows searching, viewing, editing, saving, restoring, and deleting cookies.
Công cụ hỗ trợ lấy token, cookie
This extension can delete cookies and clean local and session storage
A cookie manager on steroids to mark, 'flag', and manage cookies for one or all domains using rulesets.
一键清除Google Chrom ein的浏览器历史记录,缓存和cookie!
Remove most of those annoying "We value your privacy" banners & cookie notices from websites.
Disable cookies on current site
Clear Cookie for current tab and reload
Clear cookies, session and local storage from current website with a single click.
Share your accounts without revealing passwords
Provides switches to enable and disable CSS, Javascript, Images, Cookies and Popups.
No Cache automatically clears your browser, download, cookies, form data, passwords, and app data
Play Video Server G By Setting a Cookie in Specific Websites
Сlear your Cache, History, Cookies, Form Data, Downloads, WebSQL, Passwords, Plugin Data, App Cache, File Systems, Local Storage
Removes cookies set by the site, including cookies with paths and domains
If you have multiple accounts let Swap My Cookies manage them for you!
Delete browsing data directly from the browser toolbar. Clear cookies, history and cache with a single click.
Protect your Privacy by blocking Ads, Trackers and removing Third-Party Cookies. Clean, Fast and Reliable browsing!
Loads all http headers, cookies and Akamai response headers (http/https)
Awesome cookie game for Chrome™ browser! Click on funny cookie, get more cookies, buy upgrades and become a cookie emperor!
Removes and prevents popups, overlays and cookie notifications, other tools do not. Enjoy the original look of the internet.
HTTP Header Spy使您可以在页面加载后立即检查请求 - 响应头和Cookie,无需额外的点击。
Delete everything about a website. Cookies, History, localStorage, sessionStorage...everything!
Chrome extension that triggers Super fast clicks on cookieclicker (http://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/)
一键清除Google Chrome浏览器的浏览器历史记录,缓存和cookie!
Manage privacy settings, browsing data deletion, quickly access page in incognito mode, manage cookies and monitor network traffic
集成了 Local Storage, Session Storage 和 Cookie 于一身,功能强大,简洁易用,助力您的 Web 开发想停都停不下来。
Quickly delete your browsing data - open windows, browsing history, cookies, downloads history, form data, caches etc.
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