阻止 YouTube™ 广告、弹出窗口并抵御恶意软件!
5 STAR Adblocker with the most complete adblocker filterlists for you. Install now and never see and ad again. Free.
MEGA ADBLOCK is a free extension for content filtering, including ad blocking.
Unstoppable adblocker
Adblocker blocks ads, pop-up and preroll ads for Youtube and the Web.
Fast AdBlock is a popular tool for blocking ads in the browser.
Make your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using
YouTube Adblocker removes all ads: pre-roll video ads, text & banner ads. Save time by stopping those useless advertisements.
Ads Blocker is the most advanced adblock tool for Chrome
The most advanced ad blocker stops popup, text ads, malware and tracking!
Relentless and easy to use adblocker
Remove all ads and improve your browsing experience
Block annoying ads, popups, malware and tracking (even on Facebook & Youtube), browse faster, and protect your privacy.
Adblock blocks unwanted ads for Youtube and the Web. Light and fast adblo
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility on the planet.
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility for Chrome
Instantly block annoying ads, pop-ups & intrusive trackers with Total Adblock.
Effortless ad blocking and content filtering
Effortless ad blocking and content filtering
Adblock - stop ads on every site.
With Adblock for Chrome™ you can easily block ads on all websites in your Chrome Browser.
Unstoppable adblocker
Join the digital resistance movement against ads!
Adblocker by Trustnav is the definitive adblock as it removes popups, annoying banners and video ads.
Fast and reliable ad blocking software.
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